Self-titled is an agile team of designers, thinkers and doers creating design that transforms businesses. The business is led by Creative Directors Jake Smallman and Paul Monkivitch who head up every studio project.

Self-titled is a Melbourne based design studio, working across branding, communications, spatial design and digital solutions.

We work to intimately understand each client’s unique business, industry, target demographic and objectives. We develop strategies and creative solutions to business problems, building brands and revenue.

We are proudly sector and scale agnostic. Working across many industries with larger players and fledgling start-ups alike.

The unifying aspect across all projects is a brand first approach.

At the heart of each project lies your Self-Truth™. Simply put, Self-Truth™ is the one idea that drives your brand internally and represents it externally. It unites all your products, services, and communicational channels under one distilled thought, promoting clarity and authenticity.

Once defined, we then develop effective communication to support this. The result is clear, direct and memorable design that works.

Read more about our expertise.

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Jake Smallman

Founder / Creative Director

Creative director Jake Smallman has over two decades of brand, design and art direction experience gained working in some of Australia’s best creative studios.

Jake’s approach to design is always ideas driven and involves reducing a concept down to its essence.

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Paul Monkivitch

Founder / Creative Director

Creative director Paul Monkivitch has experience across brand, design, art direction and communications, having worked with leading companies in both Australia and the UK.

Paul’s multi-disciplinary skills have provided him opportunities across broad projects both nationally and internationally, and during his career Paul has received numerous awards and recognition.

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“Self-titled helped clarify our structure and market offering which in turn provided a roadmap for the future growth of our collective businesses.”

Dieter Blaich,
Castalia Group

Client experience

You+aus Logo Green Landscape
You+aus Logo Teal Landscape
You+aus Logo Green Landscape
You+aus Logo Teal Landscape

Your business name sets the tone for what customers expect from you. It also determines how easily existing and potential customers can connect with your offer.

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Contact Self-titled to further discuss your  naming requirements.


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