Setting the
right path
Setting the
right path
RightShip is the world’s leading maritime risk management and environmental assessment organisation. It provides ship vetting services to help companies chartering ships make an informed decision on a particular vessel’s safety, risk factors and environmental performance.
A stronger external voice for the organisation was needed to express the business vision, and its mission to improve the safety and environmental sustainability of the maritime industry.
Steering a path
An evolved brand identity single-mindedly reinforces RightShip’s driving commitment to safety through both a forward focussed arrow and signature orange – a colour synonymous with maritime safety.
The new identity has been rolled out across a broad scope of materials including printed literature, digital and print advertising, animation and completely redesigned website.

Unlocking big data to improve maritime safety
In 2016, RightShip developed Qi – this predictive online platform harnesses big data, predictive analytics and real-time risk assessments in order to improve maritime safety and efficiency.
Self-titled created the name, branding and campaign language for this industry leading tool. Pronounced ‘key’, the name is an acronym for Qualitative Index and works as an addition to the master brand arrow.
Simplifying complexity
Complex content and initiatives including the GHG (greenhouse gas) and sustainability rating systems were visually developed in a way that made the ratings easy to read in any language.
This graphic language was further extended to bold illustrations which brought to life various programs and campaigns run by RightShip.
Through clear and succinct communications RightShip’s flagship product, Qi, has been adopted broadly, helping position RightShip as the preeminent voice of safety and sustainability within the maritime industry.
Photography by Christian Sprogoe
“Self-titled’s understanding of our business, which operates in a complex international environment, allows them to provide strategic advice and devise innovative solutions across a range of channels.”