A sea of sameness

Within many industries, the leading brands are emulated, which over time results in sector conventions and a lack of differentiation of brand expression. For some businesses, blending in with their competitors may be viewed as a risk-averse business strategy.

However, this copy-cat approach is probably the riskiest to take – lack of differentiation is one of the reasons new businesses fail. Your business needs to stand for something authentic and get noticed for it, otherwise, you make it that much harder for audiences to remember who you are, and what you offer.

In 2018, Self-titled helped position and launch Australia’s first off-grid adventure park – Live Wire Park. Following this successful launch and having quickly established ourselves within the sector, we were approached to help create Australia’s largest high ropes course at Sunshine Plaza in Queensland – Next Level.

More recently we created the brand identity for Treetops Adventure – the new name for Trees Adventure following acquisition of their main competitor, TreeTops. The business was recently sold to Experience Co, one of the world’s largest adventure tourism companies.