Make breakthroughs together
Make breakthroughs together
Everyhow help teams make breakthroughs on their biggest strategy and innovation challenges. Initially working as a consultancy, Everyhow wanted to productise their offer as individual workshops which could be self-selected by clients.
They created a range of tools to assist in tackling work across a range of organisational challenges. From business futures to brand strategies. From product innovation to culture transformation.
These tools were originally used by the team in co-creation workshops, but the end goal was to be able to sell them to clients who could use them to run projects completely in-house.
Their visual identity, while functional for a range of applications and having some degree of standout in the market, needed updating to reflect Everyhow’s evolving proposition.

Breakthrough illustrations
Photos of workshops and post-it notes on walls might show how teams work, but to demonstrate the abstract concept of ‘breakthroughs’ we turned to illustration.
A lightning bolt icon was introduced and used as secondary shorthand logo for the company, and embedded into key illustrations.
The broader illustration set has a considered level of detail to work in small sizes like emojis and avatars, right through to large scale use on website and brochure covers.
In addition, a signature ‘Breakthrough Purple’ was added to the colour palette.

Encouraging collaborative play
With the pandemic making in-person workshops difficult, Everyhow’s interactive sessions quickly pivoted to a remote mode, so we designed a branded approach to Miro.
From curveball emojis to fire reactions and trophies, the approach allowed Everyhow to set up tailored work sessions with a heightened sense of gamification.
Everyhow’s website reflects their focus on breakthrough products and solutions and positioning these as something clients can self-select.
Designed in collaboration with, and developed by, the Everyhow team.

Breakthrough tools
With an aim to ultimately move away from consulting towards enabling teams to facilitate their own breakthroughs, Everyhow has created a series of digital and physical tools.
The first physical card games were created to help teams identify, prioritise and align around, their biggest questions.
Digital tools have thus far taken the form of Miro boards and the excellent free Breakthrough playlists.
In true Everyhow fashion, the project was a deep collaboration, with both the Everyhow and Self-titled teams working on ideas, testing designs and iterating back and forth.
Since completing the brand identity update Everyhow has ceased the consulting side of the business and transitioned to purely providing products in the form of games and tools.
Our brand evolution is killer – it dials up the engagement with our practical thinking tools and unifies the design language for our products – it's taken Everyhow to the next level.