Pronto Xi 750
Pronto Xi 750
Pronto Software is an award winning Australian software developer of next generation Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software with integrated Business Intelligence. Put more simply, Pronto helps run large-scale businesses, providing clear insights for informed decision making.
Each year Pronto holds a series of roadshow events to publicise the launch of the latest version of their software. The event is critical in terms of driving upgrade from current clients and also interest from potential purchasers.
Their latest software release – version 750, boasted a number of improvements across the board. Key to these improvements was 750’s integration with various third party software.
Our solution looked to train maps as visual reference for connectivity, with multiple lines intersecting with one another at various ‘stops’, visually communicating these improvements to integration. This visual language was then extended to all touchpoints of the 750 launch and roadshow, including advertising, event branding, social media, various printed applications and animations.

While the campaign clearly demonstrated the improvements to integration and connectivity in the new software, it also highlighted more generally that Pronto is not only a tool for day-to-day management, but provides insights to dramatically improve your business.