Make the move to Australia
Make the move to Australia
PeopleIN is the largest ASX-listed talent solutions company delivering staffing solutions to leading businesses in Australia and New Zealand. The Healthcare and Community vertical incorporates a network of nine agency brands that deliver staffing across nursing and midwifery, aged care, allied health and disability providers.
With staff shortages across many Australian healthcare sectors, PeopleIN needed a targeted campaign brand to convince and support international medical professionals to relocate their careers to Australia.
Our research and strategy phase dictated this should be a stand-alone campaign brand, which was unencumbered by the corporate brand, and could speak directly to overseas healthcare professionals.
We developed the name – You+Aus – to playfully sound like ‘You and Us’, and talk to the brand’s role as a connector. Centred around the medical cross, the logo signals the sector, the job candidate and ‘Australia’ in one succinct mark.
The logo expands into a simple messaging system which talks to the many relocation drivers and benefits of moving to Australia and joining a PeopleIN agency.
With the main goal to drive registrations, the identity system is super-simple for the You+Aus team to roll out digital campaigns. Beyond the language-led executions, we utilised existing staff interviews, location photography, and a set of sticker illustrations which further extend opportunities across social media.
Relocation advice + support
PeopleIN know that quality candidates with the right medical training tend to stay in Australia for many years, even when they only intend to come for a working holiday.
This means they can afford to spend significant resources becoming the go-to reference for medical professionals wanting to relocate to Australia and supporting them throughout the journey.
With this in mind, we built a website which explains all the ins and outs of the relocation process, with information on Australia’s cities, the visa process, required qualifications, lifestyle and more.
A key aspect of the web development was seamlessly integrating job listings and applications with JobAdder, the client’s Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) of choice. We also automated email responses and reminders and integrated a CRM solution.
Within a week of the campaign starting, You+Aus had already attracted over 150 registrations.
The campaign initially rolled out with a focus on international nursing candidates, but is set to expand to other healthcare professions shortly.
Our business is so appreciative and impressed by the work. The whole journey – from strategy right through to execution – has been a rewarding experience.